The world of Bheta-Decima is a ruined corpse, a toxic and crumbling nightmare. Even in this desolation, a Genestealer-infected regiment of Brood Brothers musters for global insurrection. All their martial expertise is tested to its limits, however, when they encounter a ruthless and resilient band of Hernkyn Yaegirs. These hardy survivors of a crashed vessel will baulk at no deed to see that their legacy outlasts the alien-tainted soldiers hunting them down.
Kill Team: Termination is the latest expansion for Kill Team, plunging you into a desperate fight for resources and control on a dying world. Take command of two new kill teams – zealous Brood Brothers, led by a scheming Broodcoven, and a band of determined and heavily-armed Hernkyn Yaegirs – as they fight over two Plasma Generatorium terrain pieces that upgrade your killzones. You'll also find a book packed with background information, new missions, and rules for both kill teams, plus two sets of datacards and tokens to keep your games running smoothly – all exclusive to this box.
This boxed set contains:
– 88-page softcover to use the contents of this set. You'll also need the Killzone: Bheta-Decima terrain set to create the mission maps in the book. Both are available separately.
The miniatures and some other elements of this product will be available separately at a later date.