Warhammer: Vampire Counts (Softback)

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The Vampires of the Old World claim dominion over the mortal remains of all earthly creatures. To die is to surrender oneself to their power, Patient, cunning, devious, the Vampires work to conquer the lands of the living with ancient and corrupt sorcery. Should they succeed in their dreaded goals, the rays of the sun shall be forever suffocated by the night, and the age of men will be replaced by an age of the dead. The world will be transformed into a ghastly necropolis of mindless and uncaring slaves, ruled over by the iron will of the Vampire Counts.

When death alone is certain, how can the living possibly hope to prevail?

This 96-page full-colour softback Warhammer Army book contains all the rules you need to field a Vampire Counts army, as well as detailed background information, bestiary, accompanying artwork and miniatures showcase.

You will need a copy of Warhammer to use the contents of this book.

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