A companion to the main rules of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey⢠Strategy Battle Game, focusing on the second and third instalments of The Hobbit: Motion Picture Trilogy, this is a gorgeously-realised, hardback, full-colour book featuring a plethora of new and revised profiles for use in your games of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey⢠Strategy Battle Game. Recreate the events of The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies⢠and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaugâ¢!
Featured in the 152-page hardback:
- a whopping 25 scenarios continuing those found in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey⢠Strategy Battle Game, following the flow of the movies on which they are based â including the Battle of the Five Armies itself;
- 66 new and revised profiles giving you the full range of heroes and monsters to use in your games;
- a detailed campaign system, linking the scenarios together in a way which follows the flow of the movies;
- 5 appendix scenarios;
- a collection of army lists, helping you to organise your miniatures into a cohesive force for Points Match games.