Craftworld Saim-Hann Paint Bundle

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The perfect bundle for all you Saim-Hann collectors – here you’ll find all the paints you need to get your Aeldari miniatures painted up in the colours of this craftworld. 21 pots of high-quality Citadel paints are included:

- Mephiston Red
- Agrax Earthshade
- Evil Sunz Scarlet
- Fire Dragon Bright
- Ceramite White
- Drakenhof Nightshade
- Abaddon Black
- Dark Reaper
- Administorum Grey
- Caliban Green
- Warpstone Glow
- Moot Green
- White Scar
- Rhinox Hide
- Celestra Grey
- Guilliman Blue
- Gehenna's Gold
- Auric Armour Gold
- Reikland Fleshshade
- Runefang Steel
- Leadbelcher

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