Faramir™ Foot and Mounted

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 Although he has forever lived in his brother's shadow, Faramir is still a capable captain in his own right. In fact, it is Faramir that commands the defence of Osgiliath following his brother's departure for Rivendell, and it was in Osgiliath where Faramir truly showed his quality -- for there are not many who can say they resisted the temptation of the Ring, not even Faramir's mighty brother.This set contains 2 metal models in 7 components: Faramir on foot, and Faramir mounted on an armoured horse. Supplied with a 40mm round base for the mounted model, and a 25mm round base for the model on foot.

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Sources of information: White Dwarf 307 Juy 2005 UK Edition p13

Mentioned in catalogues

Miniature Faramir™ Foot and Mounted mentioned in some catalogues.
Games Workshop Complete Catalog and Hobby Referenc

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