Gloomspite Gitz: Zarbag's Gitz

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Zarbag and his devoted followers have found themselves in countless dangerous and often ludicrous situations, and have demonstrated a talent for emerging more or less in one piece with heaps of glinting shinies to show for it.Zarbag (and Zarbag’s Gitz) are a cracking choice for Gloomspite Gitz players. Zarbag himself can deal devastating damage up-close with his Face of Da Bad Moon spell, while his grot followers combine Moonclan kunnin’ with the savagery of a particularly ornery squig – or two, in this case. This 9-model set allows you to build Zarbag and Zarbag’s Gitz, and is the ideal way to add them to your army if you're not a Warhammer Underworlds player – or great for spare models if you are. It is supplied in 30 plastic components. These models are push fit, and require no glue to assemble.

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