Files available for strictly personal and exclusive use: no commercial use or sharing with others is allowed, thank you.
The file is provided in 7 parts (you can see how it's divided on the pictures). The interior of the building is fully playable. The model is provided in 28mm (1:56e) but it can be easily adapted to your scale :
- to 6mm : x20%
- to 10mm : x35%
- to 15mm : x56%
- to 20mm : x78%
- to 25mm : x64%
In partnership with the designer WoWBuildings.
The files will be available immediately after your order.
All our articles on our website : www.hartolia-miniatures.fr
Feel free to contact us for any question !
This model is included in our ''Modern city pack No. 12'' with a -60% OFF discount : https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-modern-city-pack-no-12-mod...