The notorious Capricorn Dragon is self-reliant, resilient, and endlessly ambitious. Their razor-sharp wit and authoritative nature make them highly intimidating, even to other mighty dragons. Adventurers should be prepared for a long and arduous battle when facing a Capricorn Dragon, as these determined creatures will refuse to give up, even in the face of imminent defeat.
Capricorn Zodiac Dragon
Tags: , Creature, Detailed, Seahorse, Zodiac, Earth, Sign, Goat, Huge, Adventure, Saturn, Astrology, Dragonhead, Wallart, Taxidermy, Capricorn, Dragonbust, Thethunderofdragons, Decemberzodiac, Seagoat, Januaryzodiac, Capricornzodiac, Capricornsign, Signofcapricorn
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