Shadow Assassins

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Imagin3Designs Presents: Echoes of Galdor! A new line of 28/32mm miniatures representing the many inhabitants of the world of Galdor. 

Shadow Assassins: Crafted from the bones of the fallen and animated with an eerie nimbleness, these skeletal infiltrators are the clandestine agents of the undead army, adept at navigating unseen and striking with swift, deadly precision.

This is a set of 5 highly detailed models with separate round bases. Pre-supported and unsupported files included, along with DnD stat block.


Morvanna Vesperfell's unending ambition and thirst for immortality drove her to sacrifice part of her soul and ascend to power as the Lich Queen. She seized control of an army of undead minions, and brought the once majestic Kingdom of Eldoria to ruin. Now, she and her Undead Legion occupy the corrupted and nighmarish Fortress of the Dead, formerly known as Ardenthelm Castle.

Click here for terrain from Ardenthelm Castle: Fortress of the Dead!

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