Terruptor Class Gargant

i want 
i have 

This set contains a builder for a Terruptor class gargant, the biggest of all bioforms deployed on land by the hives.

1.This set has been split into many parts soo it could fit on smaller grade printers, though i doubt it would fit on stuff like Zero. 

2. The set has a manual PDF attached for easier file assignment in case of a partial failure.

3. Every part of the set is pressuported same way as other files on my profile are, it also contains  unsupported version. 

4. Whole project takes about 40hours to print in separate sessions, though bigger plates can reduce the time.  

5. I used same type of pegs as with terravore set, soo they should hold up to the weight. 

6. Please report any cases of resin warping/bending after standing for some time. I attempted to prevent it with some posing, but the beast proportions are awkward to say at least. 

7. Happy printing, be sure to post your results. 


Нет описания на русском языке. Любой может его добавить, но пока не дошли руки.

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