Concretium Hab-Towers For 8-12mm War-Games

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The concretium hab-towers are a modular kit to build a skyline with tiny scyscrapers for a neo-gothic sci-fi or a steampunk world. They are designed for small scale wargames in 8-12mm.


They can be used on their own or in combination with the concretium fields tile sets. Each tower is built from 3 pieces: base, tower and roof. This means there are lots of combinations to print to form your very own unique sci-fi city. The towers can also be used without the base, by adding the separate door to the first floor.


- 5x base (typeABx2, typeCx2, typeD)

- 13x tower (typeAx4, typeBx4, typeCx4, typeDx1)

- 3x roofs

- optional door-elements to use the tower without the base

compatible with the second floor elements of the concretium hab-blocks.

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