Concretium - Modular Bridges

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The concretium modular bridges are a set that can be used to complement the concretium elevated tiles or as a standalone kit. The set is extremely modular and is based on the grid of the concretium tiles (multiples of 18.75mm).

Connect plateaus of different heights with new wall-sections that replace walls on the elevated tiles or build complex walkways (with or without the tiles) which are connected by hub-plattforms.

The kit gives you a lot of freedom to build interesting structures. And while the elevated tiles are highly recommended to take full advantage of all included options, there are still plenty of different layouts possible without the tiles.

The bridges are prepared for magnetisation. This gives you the option to use bridges, balconies or destroyed elements on all connection points. You can easily change layouts between games or even in ongoing battles. Your baneblade is too big to go under the bridge? Blow it up and replace it in with destroyed elements.

The kit contains:

- 3 different wall elements of different height that can be used with elevated tiles

- 7 bridge-elements of different lenghts

- connectors / middle columns with 2 different heights

- 5 hub-elements of different heights / styles

- 2 roof-options for hub-elements (tower and flat roof)

- special elements ( balcony, bridge with stairs, basement to use the tower without the bridge)

- destroyed elements (end elements, middle columns of different height, rubble)

- pdf spreadsheet

All elements can be printed without supports and are cut in a way to give best results on FDM-printers.

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