Wargamer's Small Lootbox

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The tools every wargamer needs! Transport your minis with style with the SmallLOOTbox, transform it as you wish to hold tokens, cards, dice, rulers and more!

This is the most cost and time efficient way to store and transport miniatures to your games along with everything you need when playing. Different levels are secure with one another with the use of 3mmX1mm magnets (I would recommend using N52 strength ones) and can be customized to fit your specific needs. The LOOTboxes are adaptable to suit games such as Warcry and Warhammer Underworlds as they can hold decks for both those games (or any game using standard sized or tarot cards) and other skirmish or full scale wargames (Kill-Team, Necromunda, Warhammer, Fallout Wasteland Warfare), even for your D&D sessions.

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