Bloodthirsty monsters created by an alien virus, the Plague exist for one thing only – to spread their contagion as far as possible. Third-stage infected drawn from military units provide long-ranged support with heavy weaponry, laying down punishing cover fire while their larger kin advance. The Plague affects more than just the human population; infected Hellhounds lope ahead of the main force, tearing their prey apart with unnaturally powerful jaws, while swarms of smaller creatures creep through even the staunchest defences.
This set contains a Plague Mortar with two Stage 3A crew, a Stage 3A with Grenade Launcher, 2 Plague Hounds and a Plague Swarm, plus bases.
- 1 x Plague Mortar
- 2 x Plague Stage 3A Mortar Crew
- 1 x Plague Stage 3A with Grenade Launcher
- 2 x Plague Hounds
- 1 x Plague Swarm
- 6 x 25mm Mantic bases
- 1 x 40mm Mantic base
Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Sprueless Plastic Requires super glue.