Asterian Mega Force

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It is rare for the Asterian military to deploy in large numbers; they prefer to accomplish their goals with small, surgical strike forces rather than armies. Only when there is a truly dire threat to the galaxy does such a deployment take place and it is terrifying to behold.


This set contains everything you need to get started with the Asterians in Warpath, including:

  • 30 Hard Plastic Marionettes
  • Noh Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Sniper Rifle, and Phlogis Rifle Weapon Options
  • Command Options
  • 6 Hard Plastic Support Drones
  • Communications, Camouflage and Weapons Drone Options
  • 1 Plastic Overseer
  • 6 Plastic Cypher Wardens with Charge Gloves
  • 6 Plastic Cyphers with Noh Rifles
  • 2 Plastic Cyphers with Fission Beamers
  • 4 Plastic Drones
  • Plasma Vortex, Fission Beamer and Shield Generator Options
  • 4 Plastic Sky Razors
  • 5 Resin Kalyshi
  • 1 Hard Plastic Chira Transporter/Chroma Force Platform
  • Super Heavy Plasma Vortex, and Super Heavy Fission Beamer Weapon Options
  • Transparent Flight Stand
  • 25mm Round Bases

Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires Superglue.

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