Kubera is the god of wealth, and the god-king of the semi-divine yakshas in Hinduism. Often depicted as a dwarf, with complexion of lotus leaves and a big belly. He is regarded as the regent of the north (Dikpala), and a protector of the world (Lokapala).
Kubera is in charge of all the treasures of the earth and the riches buried within.
His vahana is an elephant or white horse. Kubera’s depictions get richer regionally. His right hand blesses. His left takes control of a mongoose hangs around him. This is said to be symbolic of Kubera's victory over Nagas (snakes), guardians of treasures. A fish is shown to be symbolic of swallowing wealth. The lotus symbolizes wisdom. He is always shown with bags of silver and gold coins arranged in front of him.
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