Chibi Bhairava, God Of Annihilation [Easy Paint

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This vibrant and unconventional sculpture depicts Lord Bhairava, a in a delightful chibi style, transforming the fierce and formidable deity into a charmingly endearing figure. In Shaivism, he is a powerful manifestation, or avatar, of Shiva, associated with annihilation. Despite its simplified chibi features—characterized by wide, expressive eyes and cartoonish simplicity—this representation retains the traditional iconography of Bhairava. He is adorned with a garland of skulls and has cobras entwined around his neck and arms, symbolizing his dominion over death and his fearless persona.
Bhairava, known for his ferocious aspects, is here shown with his typical attributes: a trident (trishul), which signifies his role in maintaining cosmic order, and a skull, representing the conquest of ego and reminders of the transient nature of life. Accompanied by his faithful dog, which serves as his vahana (vehicle) and an emblem of his loyalty and protection, Bhairava's fierce expression contrasts intriguingly with the playful artistic style, creating a captivating juxtaposition.

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