Thanatos (90mm figure)

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90mm scale resin kit. (Total height 158mm)

Sculpted by Michael Kontraros. Boxart by Marc Masclans. Kit includes: 13 kit parts.

Collector’s edition 

  • Limited edition: 270 copies
  • Once sold out will not be re-released

 Story of Thanatos

The time had finally come, she slowly knelt beside him and lovingly whispered her name in his ear “THANATOS”. He gave a long sigh of relief and surrendered his soul and body to the angel of death.

She was eternal, she existed since the beginning of time, ever since the first light broke the silence of the eternal darkness. If “GENESIS” was the beginning, then she was the “end”. No one could withstand her, refuse her, deny her, she was finality and inevitability personified.

She had taken on thousands of forms and names over the centuries, Yamaraja, Azra'il, Banshee, Grim Reaper, Santa Muerte, Mot, Maweth, Gabriel, Samael, but her one true name was “THANATOS”.

Beautiful, beguiling, charming, mesmerizing, hypnotic, incandescent, malevolent, vindictive, ruthless, and merciless are just some of the words used to describe her.

But the truth is “THANATOS” is inevitable for everyone.

Text courtesy of Michael Kontraros Collectibles

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