Megaloceros Giganteus : Display Fight

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The Irish elk, also called the giant deer or Irish deer, is an extinct species of deer and is one of the largest deer that ever lived. Its range extended across Eurasia during the Pleistocene, from Ireland to Lake Baikal in Siberia. The most recent remains of the species have been carbon dated to about 7,700 years ago in western Russia.

The Irish elk is known from abundant skeletal remains which have been found in bogs in Ireland.

Although one study suggested that the Irish elk was closely related to the red deer (Cervus elaphus), most other phylogenetic analyses support the thesis that their closest living relatives are fallow deer (Dama).

Model includes a Pre-supported version. Antlers are printed separately to fit smaller printers as well as easier support removal.

The model is sized for 1:35 of the actual size. You can reduce or enlarge the model using the slicing software if you need a different size.

Pre-supported model is oriented to minimize supports to the face and other high-detail parts. Care should be taken when removing the supports to avoid damaging the model.

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