Armoured Djiuzu, Dromedus Secundus

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The Dromedii, awkward man-camels of spite and obstinacy, unnatural beasts found in the foothills of the Afrikan provinces once ruled by the might of Rome, are sought for their endurance and hardiness in the long campaigns of the Byzantii. Djiuzu, slaved to war by the Auxilia Bestiarii of the Legio II Var, has proved to be a little more cunning and a little more intelligent than most of his kin and even a little more loyal to his masters: so he is allowed to command other Dromedii himself, to become a Dromedus Secundus, second only to the Options of the Auxilia who command them directly.

This blister pack contains:

1 x Armoured Djiuzu, Dromedus Secundus
1 x 50mm round Darklands base

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