Dawn of Khthon, Gorgórar Unit.
This blister pack contains:
1x Myrinna, Avenger of Khthon
1x Syntyss, Seed of Khthon
1x Thillia, Portent of Khthon
1x Phyllidii, Gorgórar of Khthon
1x Elthissi, Gorgórar of Khthon
5x 60mm round bases
Dawn of Khthon, Gorgórar Unit.
This blister pack contains:
1x Myrinna, Avenger of Khthon
1x Syntyss, Seed of Khthon
1x Thillia, Portent of Khthon
1x Phyllidii, Gorgórar of Khthon
1x Elthissi, Gorgórar of Khthon
5x 60mm round bases