The Undead - Matous -
Matous is said to come from a time of fables, a time of giants, who raided his village and ravaged his mother before being driven out and slaughtered by the mythical hero Drahomyr. Rather than look up to the hero, Matous wanted to find Drahomyr and kill him–placing blame on Drahomyr’s deeds as the reason that he felt like an outcast in his own village. Matous stands head-and-shoulders above most men and always stands at the front lines of any army to intimidate the opposition.
This product contains:
75mm Scale
x 1 Character
x 1 Ground
Includes: Original File and Pre-Supported STLs, Plus Lychee Slicer Files.
Presupported by Atlas 3DSS and ready to print!
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