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The exact origin of cargo creeps is a mystery, though those who have seen them understand they are nuisances to crews of transport ships, especially those carrying the types of perishable goods that cargo creeps find delicious. A cargo creep vaguely resembles a cephalopod, with four large eyes and five tentacles that it uses for locomotion. The unusual cells in its skin allow a cargo creep to mimic any sort of material with uncanny accuracy, almost down to its molecular structure.
This set includes:
- Cargo Creep A, B, C, D, E & F - Stl
- Cargo Creep A, B, C, D, E & F Pre-Supported Files - Stl
- Cargo Creep A, B, C, D, E & F Pre-Supported Files - Chitubox
- Holobase - Stl (designed to be printed flat on the plate with easy removal and no elephant foot)