Holy Blades All-Stars - COMMAND Group (SotO - F)

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These are the Holy Blades All-Stars Command Group featuring these 5 outstanding Paladins Sisters:

  • Osahne Le Flay, Champion CG (Sisters - FANTASY)
  • Aenor De Grand, Standard Bearer CG (Sisters - FANTASY)
  • Melissandre Des Orfraies,  Musician CG (Sisters - FANTASY)
  • Samaria La Lionesse, CG (Sisters - FANTASY)
  • Yseldis La Pure, CG (Sisters - FANTASY)

The Holy Blades All-Stars are all finely crafted in resin. Scale is 32mm Heroic: they will fit all popular miniature wargames. Box includes 5 x 25mm round bases.

→ Tip: Get the whole unit and SAVE with the Holy Blades All-Stars box of 10!

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