Intended for 3d print.
This is a compilation of weapons, shields and musical instruments previously used in the Undead Beastmen series published by Sharedog Miniatures (see webstore).
The weapons and gear have a cruel, primitive style, and are decorated with symbols of chaos and dark magic. They are suitable for use with barbarian armies and adventurers, or with inhuman races like gnolls, beastmen or the undead. Recommended scale is 28mm, but the models should be compatible with miniatures down to 20mm scale. All models in this megapack are prescaled to 28mm, but note that you may have to adjust the size of the models slightly to make them compatible with the miniatures of your choosing.
Below is a detailed list of the weapons and gear included in the megapack. You can also use the image gallery for reference - every model in the megapack are represented in the gallery.
- Bardiche, runed
- Bardiche, simple
- Bardiche, adorned with head trophy
- Battleaxe
- Battleaxe, large with head trophies
- Bone Bow
- Bone Long Bow
- Chaos Sword
- Clubs, 4 variants
- Dane Axe
- Falchion
- Flail, resting
- Flail, in flight
- Flail, three-headed
- Flail, gigantic
- Greatsword
- Longsword
- Shortsword
- Sheathed Shortsword
- Maul
- Maul, Spiked
- Spear
- Magic Sceptre, crooked shaft
- Magic Sceptre, straight shaft
- Bone Scythe
- Round Wooden Banded Shield
- Kite Shield, Chaos Symbol
- Kite Shield, Evil Eye
- Kite Shield, Head Trophy
- Pan Flute
- Horn
- Human Skin Drum & Stick