This listing is for five multi part highly detailed British Light Company soldiers in marching poses, armed with Brown Bess muskets designed to be printed in resin. This set comes with 5 separate heads with Light Company Shakos. These Miniature are perfectly suited for 28mm tabletop wargaming or for an avid painter and collector. These models are sculpted with a high level of detail without compromising the toughness and durability.
**These miniatures come in STL format in both supported and unsupported**. Hobby tools such as clippers or a knife are required to remove the model from the supports. After removal of the supports you may find some slight blemishes from where the supports were, these can easily be fixed by using a small hobby file or fine grit sandpaper. The model comes with a small base sculpted to the miniature and can be easily attached to a separate base of your choosing with superglue but no other base is included with the model.
I'm a self taught 3D miniature designer who is dedicated to creating awesome miniatures for table top games. Miniatures are my passion and I wanted to create miniatures that are simple but with awesome designs so they look great on the table but don't take an age to paint.