In the dark and unsettling depths of the fantastical world of Creepyland, a heart-thrilling scene emerges: the diorama "Alice Temptation." In an abyss of corruption and deceit, the wicked Ursula, depicted in a monstrous and frightening version, ensnares the mermaid Ariel with sinuous tentacles. But beware, there's no terror in Ariel's eyes; instead, her expression is sensual and satisfied, almost pleased with the agreement struck.
The water around them seems to boil with tension and secrets, while sinister details of the setting evoke a sense of irresistible temptation and damnation. The realism of the texture and attention to detail make this scene one that captures the imagination, leaving the observer suspended between horror and fascination.
This diorama, a dark and provocative reinterpretation of classic fairy tales, is a must-have collector's piece for lovers of the genre.
This diorama includes both pre-supported and unsupported STL files for 3D printing, providing options for your printing preferences. Naked and Cloathed Version included.
Clothed and Naked Version
Scale 75mm
Merged and Separated files
Made in HD for upscale and Optymized version for direct print