Space P. Orks Piles O' Scrap / Containers

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Secutor Tactics Space P Orks Piles o' Scrap / Containers, designed for 40K WTC terrain, featuring a Space P. Orks aesthetic. These containers stack and interlock like large LEGO brick blocks, fitting standard WTC and GW measurements. They are optimized for FDM multicolor printing and require no supports.

Well, on that note: these are presuported files. They have large overhangs but if you dial your settings correctly you should have no problem.

These are designed for fillament printers, but are compatible with both FDM and resin. They offer a versatile solution for creating practical and fast to build layouts, with prepainted modular terrain pieces.

⚠️ If you are printing a one color piece, print only the MONOCOLOR version. If you want to print the two-colored version, include both COLOR1 and COLOR2 files in the slicing software of your choice. If you are printing on a Bambulab Printer, you can use the Bambu Studio files.

To ensure the best possible results, we recommend the following print settings:

Layer Height: 0.3mm for standard printing, with a minimum of 0.12mm for finer details.

Note: Lowering layer height below 0.12mm significantly increases print times (specially for multicolor prints) and is not recommended.

Printer Model: Bambu Lab P1P
Slicer: Bambu Studio Slicer
Nozzle Size: 0.4mm

Print Speeds:
First Layer Speed: 50 mm/s
Outer Wall Speed: 200 mm/s
Inner Wall Speed: 300 mm/s
Top Surface Speed: 50 mm/s
Overhang Speed: 50 mm/s

Supports: Disabled (reffer to above section for more info)
Brim: Disabled
Infill: 5% (Gyroid), ensuring lightweight yet sturdy terrain pieces.
Flushing Volumes Multiplier: 0.35 for multicolor prints.

Please adhere to these settings for optimal print quality. Deviating significantly from these recommendations may result in less than satisfactory prints.

If you have any quality issue or misprints of any kind, try to increase the wall count from 2 to 3 first and see if that solves the issue. 

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