Renault Pattern Cyclops

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The Renault Pattern Cyclops

The Renault Pattern Light Logistic Hauler (aka: Renault Pattern Cyclops, or Shovel Schlepper) is a crew-less tractor used for various duties. It is capable of functioning in remote control or limited autonomous mode. In times of great need or boredom soldiers have been known to load the cargo bed full of explosives to create a cyclops-style suicide bomb.

Pre-supported with six different improvised explosive payloads. Very close in size to the stand Lucius Pattern Cyclops.

Design notes:
I tried to keep the overall length, width, and height the same as the Cyclops. I envisioned the engine and up front, with transmission in the back, under the cargo bed. Tracks wider for a more realistic look. The appearance was largely inspired by the French Renault FT tank. The antenna on top is intended as a direction finding type, perhaps used when the vehicle is functioning in autonomous mode, following a beacon. I tried to follow the "cyclops" theme by adding one large "eye" in front. There are some touches of a large pack animal as well, like the "nose-ring" up front. First drafts also had larger exhausts on each side that looked like horns.

Tracks are separate parts for better printing. It is recommend to attach after painting. Rear axle holes may need to be drilled out a little more for a better fit, depending on your printer settings. The largest bomb does not fit perfectly in the cargo area - this was intentional to create the idea of it being overloaded with a cartoonishly large bomb.

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