The Degener are gifted with unnaturally long life because of their intimate knowledge of the Mord but they are not immortal, on the rare occasion that a Degener should be unfortunate enough to fall in battle, his armour and his weapon will be recovered and fashioned into an Auxillium device so that his soul can continue to serve the blessed child beyond death.
In battle the Degener lead fearlessly from the front, driving their kin onwards for the glory of Encartria, they are tough and sturdy and will allow no obstacle to halt their advance, often bludgeoning their way through the ranks of the impure with utter disregard as they focus their attention on locating the heathens who lead them. It is a terrible fate that awaits those who fall into Nuem captivity this way and the grisliest tortures imaginable are reserved solely to punish those who would dare lead others to battle in the name of false kings or queens.
A pack of 1 model, 1 Damage Counter