Small Gallows

i want 
i have 

A Small Gallows platform to make any little town look grim.


This item includes the platform and beam to be assembled, it includes a staircase and a small stool prop.


Also includes detachable options of a plain rope, a victim waiting to be hanged or already hung.



Included Items:

Base Geometry:

  • Beam
  • Platform
  • Rope
  • Stairs
  • Stool
  • VictimAlive
  • VictimHanging


PrintVariation1 FDM:

Each model split into pieces to be printed with FDM.

  • Requires Support
  • Requires Assembly

Additional Notes:

  • The Rope object will require a small amount of support material so it can print the ropes loop. Also suggest to print with a small brim to get the small surface area of the rope to adhere to the build plate.
  • The Stairs may also be printed from the base object with supports in order to get the non solid version of the model.



    You can find more of my items at my website at

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  • Нет описания на русском языке. Любой может его добавить, но пока не дошли руки.

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