This tank is modular and has magnet slots. Includes both a normal and hollow version to save material.
Syntharii Tank
Tags: space, Tank, Automaton, Marine, Prima, Dreadnought, Skitarii, Battletank, Syntharii, Helldivers, Helldiver, Automatontank, Robotictank, Mechtank, Cybernetictank, Combatvehicle, Armoredautomaton, Heavyassaulttank, Advancedwarbot, Tacticaltank, Futuristictank, Mechanicalwarmachine, Cybertank, Automatedbattletank, Armoredfightingvehicle, Mechcombatvehicle, Technotank, Roboticbattletank, High-techwarvehicle, Annihilator