Anglo-Scots Border Horse

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Anglo-Scots Border Horse for 15 and 16th Century Armies

Lightly armed and armored, riding unarmored horses, these miniatures are an excellent representation of 15th and 16th century light cavalry. Whether known as Scourers, Pickers or the infamous Border Reivers, these soldiers were rarely seen in a pitched battle, but were nonetheless in their element raiding and harassing enemy settlements and garrisons. Usually mounted on smaller, sturdy ponies, hobelars or “hobby” horses, they could serve as scouts, couriers, foragers and skirmishers. During the Wars of the Roses they may also have served as mounted infantry or crossbowmen, though they would have dismounted to fight.

The armor and dress of these miniatures is best suited for depictions of Border Horsemen and Light Cavalry of the period spanning the Wars of the Roses up through the heyday of the Border Reivers (late 16th through early 17th Centuries). Border Reivers were both English and Scottish horsemen living on the shared border of those kingdoms who raided the area on either side, irrespective of nationality. Light Horsemen such as these would have served in the armies of the houses of Stuart and Tudor in their indecisive wars of this period, as well.

All models, sculpted by Erramir Orlan of Peculiar Companions, are armed with lances and have the option of carrying a crossbow and bolts as well. They are supplied both supported and unsupported. Printed at 100% resolution they will be true 28mm. Printing at 110% will make them compatible with most Warhammer Fantasy miniatures and 115% will yield a 32mm miniature.

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