A quite new addition to the Death Fields circuit, the Damned were abducted recently from their broken home. These unfortunate humans were part of a powerful and wide-ranging end-of-days cult in human space that believed only strict separation from the rest of humanity would save them from the coming galactic apocalypse. To that end in the late 2300s they secretly funneled monies to construct a space habitat in a remote system with no habitable worlds. Here they hoped to live unnoticed by the rest of humanity. Unfortunately for them, they did.
Within twenty years, minor and then major systems began to fail and few of the new generation had taken their training seriously. Rival factions claiming to know the "true path" silently formed. As their habitat began to fail around them, terrorist acts and then open conflict began to erupt.
The factions took over the remaining habitable sections and continued their war as the station fell apart around them. Chemicals, poor air quality, exposure to radiation, and other pollutants caused a high number of birth defects. Over the next twenty years no inhabitant was without mutation or severe chronic illness. Yet the war dragged on.
In the midst of this, a highly trained squad of soldiers of one of the two factions - The Damned - was abucted from the station. They've now had decades on the Death Fields circuit where they are a deadly force to be reckoned with. Although easily fixed by the advanced technology available to their owner, many wear their mutations and scars as a mark of pride.
This multi-part and full figure set includes a whopping 239 files both supported and unsupported. We can't wait to see what you come up with!