This is a set of STL files to 3D print Hex Terrain Tiles for Battletech from Catalyst Games & FASA Games. These tiles are the same size of the hexes on official Battletech battle maps. This set includes two versions of the 9 tiles:
1) Basic hex tile version.
2) Magnetic hex tile versions. These hex tiles are also designed to have 6 mm ball magnets inserted into them so they will be magnetized to neighboring hex tiles and to your game surface if it works with magnets such as a magnetic white board. I recently offered these as part of a recent Kickstarter I ran. I have received no complaints about the hex tiles from the supporters. If you wish to see the Kickstarter page you can do so here.
The Hex Tiles included in this set are:
Empty hex Tile
Open Terrain
Rough Terrain
Light Forest
Heavy Forest
Depth 1 Water
Depth 2 Water
Level Riser
Level risers are designed to be stacked to create multiple levels on your battlefield then place the terrain hex tile you want on top of them. They require 3mm ball magnets on both the top and bottom to work.