The BT-7 light tank was developed in 1935 and was a further refinement of the BT-5. The BT-7 was a high-performance tank with reinforced armored protection in contrast and was used in the of Halkhin-Gol and during World War II.
The BT-7 light tank was developed in 1935 and was a further refinement of the BT-5. The BT-7 was a high-performance tank with reinforced armored protection in contrast and was used in the of Halkhin-Gol and during World War II.
Легкий танк БТ- 7, созданный в 1935 году, был дальнейшим развитием танка БТ-5. Отличался от прототипа улучшенными ходовыми характеристиками и усилением броневой защиты. Применялся в боевых конфликтах на Халхин-Голе и в Великой Отечественной.