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Crews of medium and heavy German tanks consisted normally of five people: commander, gunner, loader, driver and radio operator/bow machine-gunner. Because of their professionalism and high skill German tankmen became famous in all battlefields of World War II. In this set tankmen are dressed in the late variant of the German tank uniform.
Crews of medium and heavy German tanks consisted normally of five people: commander, gunner, loader, driver and radio operator/bow machine-gunner. Because of their professionalism and high skill German tankmen became famous in all battlefields of World War II. In this set tankmen are dressed in the late variant of the German tank uniform.

43 детали, 1 отливка, размер готовой фигурки 5см.
Экипажи средних и тяжелых немецких танков состояли из пяти человек: командира, наводчика, заряжающего, механика-водителя и стрелка-радиста. В этом наборе танкисты одеты в поздний вариант немецкого обмундирования.

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