Li-2 Soviet Transport Plane

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Soviet Li-2 Transport Plane (1942-1945)
1/200 Scale Model Kit also suitable for use with the Art of Tactic
This kit includes one plastic model of a World War II Soviet airplane and decal sheet.
Model supplied unpainted. Assembly required. This “snap fit” model can be assembled without glue.
Includes unit card for use with the Art of Tactic WWII game.
Historical Notes
Based on the Douglas DC-3, the Lisunov Li-2 was produced under license starting in 1936. Soviet aviation engineers made more than 1200 design changes to the plane when he converted the Douglas plans for Soviet use. Before the German invasion, the plane (the civilian version was known as the “PS-84”) was flown as a commercial passenger plane. But when the war arrived, many of these planes were converted to military use under the direction of Boris Pavlovich Lisunov and equipped with defensive weapons.
Almost 5,000 Li-2s were constructed during the war, with a number of variants that allowed them to serve as troop transports, cargo haulers, reconnaissance planes, paratrooper transports, and even as night bombers. For defense, they were typically equipped with three 7.62 machine guns and a 12.7mm machine gun. The plane could fly at speeds up to 300 kilometers per hour over a range of 2500 kilometers.

Историческая справка:
Ли-2 является военным вариантом самолёта ПС-84. Планировалось, что он станет основным транспортным самолётом ВВС РККА. Однако, Война не позволила реализовать задумку. Ли-2 получил оборонительное вооружение и стал воевать. Использовался для заброса парашютистов в тыл противника, перевозки командного состава и раненых, высадки десантов и грузов в расположение войск и партизан.
Использование самолета в Art of Tactic:
В игре ЛИ-2 является транспортным самолётом. Способен десантировать десантные войска и грузы.

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