Freak Wars 2023

16-17 September 2023
Madrid, Spain
Official Links:
link, link


Freak Wars is the family paradise where fans of wargames, modeling, board games and cosplay meet. Throughout the weekend, an endless number of brands, stores, associations and other entities will gather at the event with which you can interact with all the activities that will be made available to you. You will find news and new brand products, both competitive and casual tournaments, artistic painting, illustration, modeling or Cosplay contests, workshops, presentations and many more surprises.

And for families and the little ones, you will find recreational and hobby-based activities, designed to introduce them to this universe full of creativity, teamwork and artistic abilities.

Don't wait for others to tell you, live and play Freak Wars. We will wait for you!!

Sponsors and Traders

CompanyAkelarre Models
CompanyBeyond Miniatures
CompanyBigchild Creatives
CompanyBite the Bullet
CompanyBrother Vinni
CompanyCorvus Belli
CompanyDragon's Lake Miniaturas
CompanyGreen Stuff Industries
CompanyHera Models
CompanyHungry Troll
CompanyIn Motion Creations
CompanyInsomnia Miniatures
CompanyJourneyman Miniatures
CompanyKilgorehd Miniatures
CompanyKimera Models
CompanyLast Sword Miniatures
CompanyNeko Galaxy
CompanyOda Models
CompanyPara Bellum Wargames
CompanyPedro Fernandez Works
CompanyThe Custom Bit
CompanyWilly Miniatures
CompanyYedharo models
CompanyZenit Miniatures

This is not official page of this event. Use links under show's logo to go to official pages.