So, we have a new layer - the definition of image types. It is now possible to easily and quickly specify what exactly is depicted in the picture - the final image of the miniature, the side of the package, details, gateways, etc. Thanks to this, it became possible to quickly find those sets that do not have any of the types of images and correct this as far as possible. For example, show all sets of GW -> LoTR -> Free People that do not have an image of the front of the package.
You can view it here (for registered users only). Help is here.
This is also a good reason to introduce you to a new Selector, it will be used everywhere on the site where you need to select the connections of one with another, for example, sets released in a Kickstarter project. But we will discuss the selector in another place.
There are moments there that I would like to discuss how to determine the completeness of images for different types of sets more correctly, so please speak out if you have any thoughts.
On the help page, you can see the current list of rules (it is shown programmatically, so that's how it works).
As much as I could, I figured out how to separate different types of sets according to the completeness of the images. And if everything is more or less clear with sets, then with all sorts of other things it is more difficult. Making completely different conditions for each type of set is too much, so I partially combined them. See if you have any thoughts on this.
Anyway, this is just a method of calculating the completeness of the various necessary images for each type of set. The main thing is still the choice of image types and we can recalculate the results for each of the sets in one click.
I think I managed to make a convenient choice. I didn't spend a lot of time and posted more than 5,000 sets from the GW, FW and Citadel kit. Try it, in my opinion it turned out to be convenient. The link to the page with the markup of images is located on each set page under the main picture.
P.S. I forgot to mention - at the same time, the ability to easily change the order of images by using drag&drop was added! Available on the set's page in the same place, under images.
Checked all images for Citadel, Forge and about 20% of GW. Also fix some bugs and update help page.