Welcome, we are Mammoth Factory, three dudes making minis and stories, because we love this stuff. We are dedicated to crafting dynamic miniatures and gripping stories.
Mammoth Factory

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Crowd Funding Projects from Mammoth Factory
The Hoard of Ghaundal - 5e Miniatures & Adventures
Embark on a legendary quest to find the ancient hoard of a mythical dragonlord. An epic 8 chapter 5e campaign, with premium miniatures!
Setting: Fantasy 3d print, 32mm
October 2023, Long Beach, CA, US
October 2023, Long Beach, CA, US
Mammoth Chronicles: Book I - Epic Miniatures & Adventures
131 Premium STL miniatures made for 8 High-quality 5E adventures with 32 battlemaps, 81 statblocks NPC cards, magic items and more!
3d print
August 2022, Long Beach, CA, US
August 2022, Long Beach, CA, US
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