Crooked Dice

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«Crooked dice» является разработчиком таких игр с миниатюрами, как «7tv» первой и второй редакций, «7ombieTV», «7th Voyage», выполненные в ретро-стилистике 60-х – 70-х годов. Продукцию компании отличает необычная механика игр и выразительные миниатюры.

This is not official page of this company. Use links under company's logo to go to official site.

New Miniatures from Crooked Dice

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Crowd Funding Projects from Crooked Dice

7TV Fantasy Genre Guide
A new hardback 7TV supplement to enjoy cinematic skirmishes inspired by classic fantasy tv and films! Plus loads of new miniatures!
Setting: Fantasy
October 2024, Lincoln, UK
7TV: The 80s Genre Guide
A new hardback 7TV supplement to enjoy cinematic skirmishes inspired by all your fave 80s tv and films! Plus loads of new miniatures!

October 2023, Lincolnshire, UK
7TV Dracula - 28mm gothic horror miniatures & rules
Play a blood-chilling skirmish campaign charting Bram Stoker’s gothic masterpiece - fighting for the very soul of humanity!
Setting: Horror, 28mm
October 2022, Lincoln, UK
Corporate Wars - 28mm Near Future Miniatures
Bringing back some classic retro white metal cyberpunk and street fighting miniatures!
, 28mm
August 2022, Lincoln, UK

Members opinions about company Crooked Dice

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History of Crooked Dice logo

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