The new print run of these books will ship in all orders on or just before 8th May 2017. Pre-order now for a saving and free shipping over 15GBP order value.
Get Patrol Angis and its expansion Callsign Taranis as well as the new army book The Khanate Return together! Save even more!
15mm Scale Space Opera Wargaming Books
Wargame rules for use with 15mm miniatures and models. An enjoyable playing experience in a space opera setting unlike any other. Tactically challenging but not complex, these rules reward players for their playing and not by the use of endless charts, tables and over powered characters. Once familiar with the game rules, in a single hour you can play a full game with another person or several or on your own in solo play. The rules will not take long to learn and are suitable for wargamers of all ages from novice to veteran. They are fun and can be expanded into other titles in the series.
Patrol Angis is a skirmish level of wargame which means it typically has between a dozen and about forty 15mm scale miniatures a side in play during a game. It works well with more but those amounts are ideal. Most games have one Platoon sized force per player and have one or two or maybe even three players. A Platoon or Lance which contains typically twenty two (22) miniatures. In Patrol Angis you play either as the Prydian Army in its quest to reclaim worlds lost to the Marcher Barons during the Civil War or you can play in the employ of Canlaster or Yordist or any of the other dozen smaller array of Marcher Barons. This includes playing as a “Conda”' or paid professional mercenary for any side.
A4 Book, 64 Pages, Colour Covers, ISBN
Callsign Taranis. Patrol Angis is a skirmish level wargame and with Callsign Taranis you can move from the low intensity infantry focused warfare of the core game which was your starting point in this universe to something a bit larger and multi faceted too. Make use of vehicles from the humble Adder to the supporting Mullo and of course the mighty Taranis super heavy main battle tank. Introduce flying vehicles, hurwent energy shields, buildings, drones and mecha too. Play solo or with two or more players with games featuring one Platoon (22 Miniatures or several vehicles) a side up to four or even six Platoons a side (100 or more miniatures or a dozen vehicles) with smaller games taking less than an hour to play out. In this book you will find the expansion rules covering the use of Vehicles in play as well as Structures and other bolt on mechanics. There are also game statistics for the vehicles of the Prydian Civil War and additional skills, equipment and items for your troops. Following on from Patrol Angis is part two of the Prydian Civil War background. Also in this book is the Support Phase and the Between Games development of your forces. Rules for how to play larger games of Patrol Angis and how to generate random terrain. A bolt on section for Building your Forces with Vehicle and Mixed platoons. This and more all in a packed sixty four pages!
A4 Book, 64 Pages, Colour Covers, ISBN
The Khanate Return. A new setting and forces with statistics and rules. This Army Book brings you to the Camarthen star system for a desperate campaign for possession of a planet upon which sits an alien Matter Gateway. Now that it is switched on the gateway has brought a mythical enemy of Humanity back to reality from far across the galaxy; The Shia Khan Empire. Making use of the Patrol Angis rule book for skirmishes and the Callsign Taranis expansion book for larger games you can now add the Khanate Empire and also Planetary Defence Forces to your games. Read all about the tragic fate of Camarthen Prime and the start of the second Khanate War as a world burns. You can then create and assemble your own Tesserans and Ordos (platoons) along with vehicles and more for the Khanate with armoury and army lists. Then consult army lists for the Planetary Militias to do the same with Troop Types, Armour, Weapons and platoon composition guides. There are also advanced rules for both new armies covering Nebula Charges, Humascare,and Robotic Infantry among other skills and equipment. The book ends with three small scenarios of varying complexity for new and experienced players. Fight for victory on Camarthen Prime or take your fight elsewhere in the Prydian Precinct.
A4 Book, 64 Pages, Colour Covers, ISBN
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