28mm Pro-Painted - Prydian Retained Knights - 6 Miniatures

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This code contains six  different white metal 28mm scale fully pro-painted miniatures placed on 30mm round resin scenic bases. Approximately 35mm tall. Selected from the 28mm Ion Age Prydian Retained Knight codes. Retained Knights of the Prydian Army or any other Marcher Baron force. Great for skirmish level games or combining with other codes for bigger formations and battles.

The Prydian Army is composed of many millions of Human soldiers from the lowly Planetary Militia to the massed ranks of the steadfast Muster and the regiments of the proud Retained Knights.  There are other troop types too such as the super heavy Desteria Knights, the illustrious Starvaulters and more.

The uniform of the Prydian Army is the famous red and white but this set of 6 Retained Knights are presented in a special uniform of dark green, purple, white and red.  The Prydian Civil War still rages on!

Six  different white metal 28mm scale fully pro-painted miniatures placed on 30mm round resin scenic bases. Approximately 35mm tall. Selected from the 28mm Ion Age Prydian Retained Knight codes.
These miniatures are supplied painted and based by our staff in Scotland (they will be delivered finished and ready to use out of the box).  Note that what you see here is what you are purchasing.


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