Jal001 Ikimar Fighter

i want 
i have 


Ikimar Fighter

Size (Bounding Box, Sprue/Base): 43.90mm x 25.60mm x 8.28mm (13.3mm x 5.8mm x 5.28mm individually)

Scale: Fleet (very nominally 1:1500th)

Supports: Not available at this time, sorry.

Mounting: 12 models on a sprue-slash-base for printing. The base may be removed afterwards, but can also serve as a base in and of itself.

Scaling Notes: Yellow. Parts potentially affected by scaling: Thin parts.

Entirely Optional Lore PDF included.



Photo of VPN print (Shapeways), not on sprue/base.

Нет описания на русском языке. Любой может его добавить, но пока не дошли руки.

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