Leander Class Cruiser Royal Navy

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Leander class cruisers were a class of 8 light cruisers built for the Royal navy in the early 1930s and saw service in WW2 with both the Royal Navy and Royal Australian Navy. HMS Ajax and HMS Achillies both participated in the Battle of the River Plate. 3 of the eight ships of the class were sunk during the war. 


This model comes in several parts. The hull is a single piece with the cranes and turrets being separate. 


The model is designed in 1/1800 scale but prints at 1/2400 perfectly. 


We have tested a few of our designs at two additional scales: 1/3000 and 1/1200 which have all turned out really well. At 1/3000 scale though some components are very small and require additional patience when assembling.

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