The Sphyrna Power Projection Raider Dropship is one of the pinnacles of 2pi technology. With predatory forms, inspired by the aquatic species of 2pi homeworld, Sphyrna is a common vehicle seen on various battlefields across the 2pi Expansion. Despite its' main role is to deliver troops and battlesuits to the battlefield, this vessel also able to single-handedly prepare the LZ with its' array of weapons and deploy the drones during the flight for additional protection/assault. A much less common AWACS version of Sphyrna could take a command HQ into the high altitude, where they'd be safe from most of the dangers of hot encounters. Sphyrna PPR was designed as a modular 8mm kit by Corvus and would serve as a base for future development into the 2pi airforce.
Those models were previously released at our Patreon 'Crucible of Games':
Copyright infringement is not intended. Parts are created freehand in 3d modelling software, no copyrighted product had been scanned or copied in any way. These models are for personal use as proxies.