Sharn Traditional Resin Cast

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i have 

“Fate and New Gods, lead me for I have no hesitation.  Let others try to resist you, they shall follow no less surely.”


        • Description
        • Details & Lore
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Sharn embodies reliability.  What she lacks in the ability to inflict massive damage, she makes up for in her staying power and her innate abilities to move friends and foes without using valuable fate resources.  With her bulk clad in the heaviest of armour, she can be relied on to withstand all but the most focused attacks while providing allies Cover.  With the ability to rally friends to her and slam her foes forward, both without leveling, her natural tools lend to many interesting movement strategies that are a boon to players who enjoy unraveling puzzles to set up clutch plays. As she levels, enemies have to decide between smashing themselves whilst charging her or shooting her as she becomes more indomitable against the deadliest of projectiles. Her hammer, Storm Forged, is also designed to penetrate the strongest of armours while throwing foes that stand close, dismantling carefully laid out formations. Although not specializing in soul harvesting, Sharn is attuned to the spiritual principle that permeates all realities, providing a warband with soul harvesting support.

Sharn is a valuable tank and bruiser addition to both Grul and Tomas factions.

Through Xyvera’s machinations, Sharn was whisked away at birth and brought her to the secret place of the minotaurs. The minotaur crone prophesied the coming of Sharn as one that would save her people and the old crone raised Sharn into the world. Xyvera’s mentorship had a profound effect on Sharn -  both ideologically and physically. She grew to a monstrous size under Xyvera’s care, and could match her adopted kin’s enthusiasm for wrestling and headbutting.  Under Xyvera’s tutelage, she learned of the Old God’s atrocities. These tales helped shape Sharn and attuned her to the New Gods. She sees a chain of fate that can not be controlled but with discipline can be molded, and when she lives according to this essential nature, it gives her greater strength and focus.

Curious about her origins, Sharn later reunited with the tribes of orcs and her orc family. She felt a kinship to many, but their leaders with their agendas made her weary. The greatest lesson the orcs gave her was the discipline of iron. Sharn quickly surpassed her teachers with her intrinsic understanding of the nature of metal and hide.  Neither fully adopting either minotaur culture or orc culture, she dons the armor crafted by her own hands, places faith in her own virtues and follows the path that the New Gods, Fate and perhaps Xyvera have planned for her.

Contents: Sharn Miniature, 40mm Base. Pure, unfilled resin. Model is unassembled and unpainted. Intended for ages 14+.

When assembling, only use cyanoacrylate glue (medium viscosity, for best results) as other glues may damage the material.


Metal Maketh Orc; Part 1

  “She’s a bastard in every way possible to be a bastard, and always will be one. Anyone groomed by Kruul has the taint of his foul touch.” Sharn said, spitting on the ground near the campfire. “And anyone who disagrees with me is no better than they are. Remember, metal maketh orc '' she snarled while looking at the other two orcs with her. It was a traditional orc saying meaning ‘A will like metal, makes a strong orc’ and was something shared around her tribe as a value that showed love, understanding or encouragement. Sharn’s will was strong and ideas that she liked permeated into all that fell under her influence.  

  It was her recently reunited brother, Klarn, and his partner Torg, who had just brought up how Zhonyja was recently made some kind of champion in their tribe by an old path Kruul had found. The three of them were all sent to investigate on the far East of their lands with suspicion that an old temple or another lost path was deep in the mountain. The two younger orcs, wide eyed, kept their mouths shut however after Sharn’s outburst, as it was unlike her.

  Sharn had never liked Zhonyja, or really Kruul. She had wary respect for them, or at least their station.  She disdained how they warped their ways to whatever served their immediate desires. Sharn was as rigid and strong as the armor she wore, and the shield resting beside her. She didn’t care for their other elder Haksa either. He was lazy, and constantly decayed his mind with herbs. 

  “This temple, lady Sharn, is it far? We’ve been going from cave to cave for two weeks now.” said Torg with a growl in his stomach. “It’s just Sharn you worm!  Are you missing a soft bed and full belly? Ha! The ground is the only bed a warrior needs and whatever game we can catch is as good as any meal.” Sharn scoffed, tossing him a few limp rabbits. “Skin those and start us a stew.  Add those tasty mushrooms we found.  We will need the energy.  Not the ones that Klarn picked” she reminded emphatically. Torg began skinning the rabbit, while Klarn glared at his sister. “You could be kinder. I know we’re ignorant of the wild, and that’s why the elders had you accompany us. But we’re not children, and he is to be my mate.” Klarn growled. Sharn rolled her eyes but gave a nod. 

  She loved her little brother even though she had only known him for a few equinoxes and could be bratty. She had been raised by the minotaurs and had just joined the orc tribes. She was overjoyed that he’d found love. It was not something many warriors could claim and hold onto. There would come a day that it would be challenged, as all things are, but until then let them enjoy it a little. Sharn knew how cruel the Gods and life could be, so it was important that she temper their iron now while they could be moulded. Torg had potential as well. Weak with metal, but quick and knowledgeable of the land. Torg was almost as knowledgeable as Sharn, whose travels seeking out her origins had been extensive.

  “Torg. If you could prepare us a meal, I’ll go on ahead before it’s too dark and see if I can pick up any landmarks that may reveal us the Old Places.” said Sharn. Torg nodded and Klarn started a fire to prepare the stew. Sharn proceeded out of the mouth of the cave. The sun was setting but due to altitude, they would have another hour of light. As the mountain wind kissed her face, she smiled at the thought of the two lovers in the cave, reminding her of a love she once had as well. 

    Hiking around the entrance of the cave and up into the steep rocks she scouted what they might encounter on the next part of their expedition. The heavy armour was not great for this task but her freakish physique made the great slabs of armour feel natural and the land was still too unfamiliar to be caught without her tools. The trail they’d followed out of their East end settlements had faded leagues past. Now they followed faint old paths, looking for landmarks and clues mentioned in old stories.

  There were many outcroppings through these mountains and many passes. She situated herself at a cliff that gave her a good view. Sharn noticed an old path going up further and in.  She could see where the path led from where she stood.  It looked about a three day trek and they’d be in the middle of some promising outcropping of stones. She suspected that the temple would be there. She would soon complete her task. One more honor for Sharn, another chance to prove her quality. 

Part 2 : August 28, 2024


JUDGEMENT PLAYING CARDSFor the latest version of the rules and for rule FAQ's: Hall of Eternal Champions FAQ

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