Base: 25 mm
Grammor was an orc warrior very faithful to the Great Orc God Drenosh. In a great battle, Grammor killed many legionaries of the Order of War, being badly wounded, between life and death. Drenosh, in recognition of his loyalty and sacrifice, gave Grammor a great gift. He passed on to the Orc something of the most precious of human knowledge. The skill of reading and one book. A single book. A library of enchantments stolen from an Official Mage of the Order of Amulets and Artifacts of Sextoagrippus.
Such a gift made him a scholar among the orcs. In possession of a single book, he proceeded to recite their incantations, learning through trial and error what they did, and what their power was. Grammor then understood the power of words, and mastered a few magical manipulations, through recitation. With magic restricted only to Mages of the Order of Sextoagrippus, that single grimoire was enough to make him a living legend, one of the mightiest orcs to walk the land.
His grimoire is his great power. Many have already tried to steal it. None did.