Base: 25 mm
Amidst the misty surface of a river, it is possible to see a strange gondola, with a curvilinear silhouette at its prow. Holding an enormous scythe in one hand and an hourglass in the other, she appears to lead her victims to their death by the waters.
Her body has the shapes of a beautiful woman, but on her face, there is only the scarred skull of death. Her bearing is that of a lady, perhaps even that of a princess. With no servants and no retinue, she appears only at night, as if attracted by the melancholy that darkness and cold wind cause in men. Seductive, she appears to the desperate, prostrate and unhappy, deceiving disillusioned souls, who have begun to detach themselves from life, speaking with a mellifluous voice about the reliefs and even the pleasures of death. To the distressed, she promises oblivion. To the tormented, she promises peace. To the wounded, she promises indolence.
Usually, its passage is only noticed the next day, when boatmen and fishermen find in the waters the floating corpses of the drowned who met her the night before.